*Art at NSE with Mrs. Zink*

Below is my weekly schedule so you can see which rotation day your child has art class. Each week I will give an overview of what students will be learning and creating in art class. I will also include relevant images, information, and links to additional resources. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!!

-Mrs. Zink

Day 1 and 6

Day 2 and 7

Day 3 and 8

Day 4 and 9

Day 5 and 10

1st Cooper

4th McCabe

1st Schuster

2nd Wiscount


4th Herring

2nd Leibensperger

4th Staudenmeier

6th Ney

2nd Moyer

5th S. Houser

6th Ackell

6th Hysock

6th Grade Art Club

5th Grade Art Club

Kdg. Frushon

5th Wolfe

Kdg. Borden/Jones

3rd Lynch

5th Fey

3rd Selgrade

Kdg. Swartz

3rd McCabe

Kdg. Potts

Monday, September 21, 2015

Below is my schedule of classes and what rotation days they will have art.

Days 1 and 6
Days 2 and 7
Days 3 and 8
Days 4 and 9
Days 5 and 10
Ney-6th Grade
Nestor-4th Grade
Gierka-4th Grade
Reiniehl-4th Grade
Weist-5th Grade
Selgrade-3rd Grade
Kessler-6th Grade
Smith-3rd Grade
Bound-6th Grade
Rau-2nd Grade
Piatt-1st Grade
Schalles-2nd Grade
Walsh-5th Grade
Laudeman-3rd Grade
Bridy-1st Grade
Dinich-2nd Grade
Kempsey-1st Grade



Days 6-10
(September 22-September 28)


The students will be introduced to the primary colors. They will learn what they are and why they are special. They will also learn about the artist Piet Mondrian, who uses the primary colors in his artwork. They will complete worksheet using primary colors.


1st Grade-
The students will review realistic and abstract artwork. They will discuss proper painting procedures. The students will use watercolor paints to create an abstract painting.
***Students may bring in a smock, paint shirt or old t-shirt to wear over top of their clothes while painting.  I do have a limited number of paint shirts available for those who do not bring in a paint shirt.


2nd Grade-
The students will review the project requirements and procedures. The students will finish drawing their cave pictures. The students will use earth-tone colored crayons to color in their pictures. They will then review proper painting procedures and paint their backgrounds using watercolor paints.
***Students may bring in a smock, paint shirt or old t-shirt to wear over top of their clothes while painting.  I do have a limited number of paint shirts available for those who do not bring in a paint shirt.


3rd Grade-
The class will be given demonstration of how to transfer animal texture design onto foil, and then how to paint and print their foil properly. The students will finish transferring and then paint and print their designs.   
***Students may bring in a smock, paint shirt or old t-shirt to wear over top of their clothes while painting.  I do have a limited number of paint shirts available for those who do not bring in a paint shirt.


4th Grade-
The students will review requirements of realistic landscape project. They will learn coloring techniques that will help their landscapes look more realistic. They will finish coloring in their projects. If there is still time, the students will discuss the differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork.  


5th Grade-
The students will review important rules of composition and how to place objects on their paper in an interesting way. The students will finish their still life exercise. The students will be given the project requirements and then be given demonstration of how to properly begin sketching a still life. They will begin the still life project.   


6th Grade-
The students will review information on Zen-tangles and the project requirements. They will view various examples and then begin sketching ideas. When ready, the students will begin on final copy.

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