*Art at NSE with Mrs. Zink*

Below is my weekly schedule so you can see which rotation day your child has art class. Each week I will give an overview of what students will be learning and creating in art class. I will also include relevant images, information, and links to additional resources. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!!

-Mrs. Zink

Day 1 and 6

Day 2 and 7

Day 3 and 8

Day 4 and 9

Day 5 and 10

1st Cooper

4th McCabe

1st Schuster

2nd Wiscount


4th Herring

2nd Leibensperger

4th Staudenmeier

6th Ney

2nd Moyer

5th S. Houser

6th Ackell

6th Hysock

6th Grade Art Club

5th Grade Art Club

Kdg. Frushon

5th Wolfe

Kdg. Borden/Jones

3rd Lynch

5th Fey

3rd Selgrade

Kdg. Swartz

3rd McCabe

Kdg. Potts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/30/14 (Day 1) through 11/5/14 (Day 5)

Below you will find a brief description of what each grade level will be completing in art class this week along with any important vocabulary, images, or artist information.

(Evans-Day 1, Kaminsky-Day 3, Potts-Day 4,
Frushon-Day 5)

Kindergarten is learning how to draw trees.  Students will color in their trees and we will paint the leaves on.
1st Grade
(Bridy-Day 1, Burns-Day 2, and Cooper-Day 4)

The students are learning about the artist Paul Klee. Students are working on their rough copy of an undersea scene. 

2nd Grade
(Corinchock-Day 1, Schalles-Day 2, McCabe-Day 3, and
Bell-Day 5)

Students will learn about art from Ancient Greece and complete a symmetry worksheet.

3rd Grade
(Lynch-Day 2. Laudeman-Day 4, and
Selgrade-Day 5)

Students will continue working on their 3-D pipe project.  They learned about value and will include their newfound shading skills into the project.


4th Grade
(Nestor-Day 1, Herring-Day 2, and Moyer-Day 3)
The students are continuing to work on the Elements of Art Packet.

5th Grade
(Houser-Day 3 and Connors-Day 4)
The students will review different techniques for drawing twisted and looped ribbons. Students are finishing up their rough copies for the ribbon project. They will begin on their final project and practice creating value with pencils and colored pencils.

6th Grade
(Ney-Day 1, Leibensperger-Day 2, Hysock-Day 3, and
Kessler-Day 5)

The students will learn about Illuminated Letters, along with different lettering styles throughout time, specifically Art Deco and Art Nouveau. They will review the requirements of the project and begin enlarging their thumbnails sketches for the final copy.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

10/23/14 (Day 1) through 10/29/14 (Day 5)

Below you will find a brief description of what each grade level will be completing in art class this week along with any important vocabulary, images, or artist information.

(Evans-Day 1, Kaminsky-Day 3, Potts-Day 4,
Frushon-Day 5)

Kindergarten is learning how to draw trees.  They are drawing a tree and coloring it in.  Soon they will learn how to mix the color orange with paint to the leaves.
1st Grade
(Bridy-Day 1, Burns-Day 2, and Cooper-Day 4)

The students are learning about the artist Paul Klee. They will discuss animals and plants found in the ocean. They will practice drawing ocean animals.  This week they are starting their project by drawing a sea life scene and coloring in the animals and plants.

2nd Grade
(Corinchock-Day 1, Schalles-Day 2, McCabe-Day 3, and
Bell-Day 5)

The students are finishing up their Egyptian projects and beginning a new one.  They will learn about art from Ancient Greece and complete a symmetry worksheet.

3rd Grade
(Lynch-Day 2. Laudeman-Day 4, and
Selgrade-Day 5)

Students will continue working on their 3-D pipe project.  They learned about value and will include their newfound shading skills into the project.


4th Grade
(Nestor-Day 1, Herring-Day 2, and Moyer-Day 3)
The students are continuing to work on the Elements of Art Packet.

5th Grade
(Houser-Day 3 and Connors-Day 4)
The students will review different techniques for drawing twisted and looped ribbons. They will finish ribbon packet. Students have begun working on their ribbon project. They will review project requirements and continue working.

6th Grade
(Ney-Day 1, Leibensperger-Day 2, Hysock-Day 3, and
Kessler-Day 5)

The students will learn about Illuminated Letters, along with different lettering styles throughout time, specifically Art Deco and Art Nouveau. They will review the requirements of the project and begin enlarging their thumbnails sketches for the final copy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/16/14 (Day 1) through 10/22/14 (Day 5)


Below you will find a brief description of what each grade level will be completing in art class this week along with any important vocabulary, images, or artist information.




(Evans-Day 1, Kaminsky-Day 3, Potts-Day 4,
Frushon-Day 5)


The students will learn how to properly use and care for scissors and glue and glue down strips of construction paper onto their Mondrian projects. They will begin discussing the secondary colors.


Kaminsky- They will use the primary colors to paint in their previously traced squares and rectangles in the style of Mondrian.  

**The students may get messy, you may send a smock or t-shirt for them to use during class** 




Check out these fun ways to learn and remember your primary colors!





1st Grade
(Bridy-Day 1, Burns-Day 2, and Cooper-Day 4)

The students will finish coloring in their abstract Miro projects. They will then learn about the artist Paul Klee. They will discuss animals and plants found in the ocean. They will practice drawing ocean animals.  







2nd Grade
(Corinchock-Day 1, Schalles-Day 2, McCabe-Day 3, and
Bell-Day 5)

The students will review information on Egyptian Life, Culture, Art, Artwork, and Hieroglyphics. The students will be given the project requirements and start project.







3rd Grade
(Lynch-Day 2. Laudeman-Day 4, and
Selgrade-Day 5)


The students will review information on Value and how to shade objects and make them appear more three-dimensional. They will be given project requirements and begin project.





4th Grade
(Nestor-Day 1, Herring-Day 2, and Moyer-Day 3)

They will be introduced to the Elements of Art. They will begin Elements of Art Packet.






5th Grade
(Houser-Day 3 and Connors-Day 4)

The students will review different techniques for drawing twisted and looped ribbons. They will finish ribbon packet. If time allows they will be given project requirements and begin sketching.












6th Grade
(Ney-Day 1, Leibensperger-Day 2, Hysock-Day 3, and
Kessler-Day 5)


The students will learn about Illuminated Letters, along with different lettering styles throughout time, specifically Art Deco and Art Nouveau. They will complete adjective worksheet and then practice letter styles through completion of Art Nouveau and Art Deco worksheet.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/8/14 (Day 1) through 10/15/14 (Day 5)

Fri 10/10-Student Dismissal 11:45AM

Mon 10/13-Teacher In-Service


Below you will find a brief description of what each grade level will be completing in art class this week along with any important vocabulary, images, or artist information.




(Evans-Day 1, Kaminsky-Day 3, Potts-Day 4,
Frushon-Day 5)


The students will learn how to properly use and care for paint and paintbrushes. They will use the primary colors to paint in their previously traced squares and rectangles in the style of Mondrian.  


The students will be painting this week!

**The students may get messy, you may send a smock or t-shirt for them to use during class** 




Check out these fun ways to learn and remember your primary colors!





1st Grade
(Bridy-Day 1, Burns-Day 2, and Cooper-Day 4)

The students will review abstract and realistic artwork. The students will review information about the artist Joan Miro. The students will continue on project using basic shapes to create an abstract picture in the style of Miro. They will use Sharpies to outline and then color in with crayons.



Joan Miro




2nd Grade
(Corinchock-Day 1, Schalles-Day 2, McCabe-Day 3, and
Bell-Day 5)

The students will review information on Egyptian Life, Culture, Art, Artwork, and Hieroglyphics. The students will practice drawing various pictures and symbols from Egyptian culture.  The students will be given the project requirements and begin sketching.




Hieroglyphic Alphabet

















3rd Grade
(Lynch-Day 2. Laudeman-Day 4, and
Selgrade-Day 5)


The students will review information on Value and how to shade a value scale. They will learn how to shade objects and make them appear more three-dimensional. They will complete Value scale worksheet and Shape to Form worksheet.  





4th Grade
(Nestor-Day 1, Herring-Day 2, and Moyer-Day 3)

They will review proper painting techniques. They will finish painting their 3D landscapes.



**The students may get messy, you may send a smock or t-shirt for them to use during class** 








5th Grade
(Houser-Day 3 and Connors-Day 4)

The students will review project requirements and finish shading still life. The students will be given demonstration of how to properly draw and shade in a twisted ribbon. They will complete ribbon packet.  












6th Grade
(Ney-Day 1, Leibensperger-Day 2, Hysock-Day 3, and
Kessler-Day 5)


The students will finish Zen-tangle project and mount on construction paper.    

They will learn about Illuminated Letters, along with different lettering styles throughout time, specifically Art Deco and Art Nouveau. They will complete worksheet in which they create visual symbols for adjectives that describe their personality.
Illuminated Letter