*Art at NSE with Mrs. Zink*

Below is my weekly schedule so you can see which rotation day your child has art class. Each week I will give an overview of what students will be learning and creating in art class. I will also include relevant images, information, and links to additional resources. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!!

-Mrs. Zink

Day 1 and 6

Day 2 and 7

Day 3 and 8

Day 4 and 9

Day 5 and 10

1st Cooper

4th McCabe

1st Schuster

2nd Wiscount


4th Herring

2nd Leibensperger

4th Staudenmeier

6th Ney

2nd Moyer

5th S. Houser

6th Ackell

6th Hysock

6th Grade Art Club

5th Grade Art Club

Kdg. Frushon

5th Wolfe

Kdg. Borden/Jones

3rd Lynch

5th Fey

3rd Selgrade

Kdg. Swartz

3rd McCabe

Kdg. Potts

Friday, April 4, 2014

4/7/14 through 4/11/14


Mon. 4/7-Day 1
Tues. 4/8-Day 2
Wed. 4/9- Day 3
Thurs. 4/10-Day 4
Fri. 4/11-Day 5



Below you will find a brief description of what each grade level will be completing in art class this week along with any important vocabulary, images, or artists.




(Bernosky-Day 1, Kaminsky-Day 3, Potts-Day 4,
Frushon-Day 5)

The students will review Roy G. Biv and the colors of the rainbow. They will follow along to complete simple landscape with rainbow and correctly color in using Roy G. Biv colors.







1st Grade
(Bridy-Day 1, Burns-Day 2, and Cooper-Day 4)

The students will review emotion in art. The students will follow along to create portrait that portrays emotion through the use of facial expression and color.



2nd Grade
(Corinchock-Day 1, Schalles-Day 2, McCabe-Day 3, and
Bell-Day 5)

Mosaic projects will be completed this week. Following the completion of the Mosaic projects, the students will review the Primary, Secondary, Intermediate, and Analogous colors. They will complete color packet and then begin Analogous drawing.



3rd Grade
(Lynch-Day 2. Laudeman-Day 4, and
Selgrade-Day 5)


The students will review the primary, secondary, intermediate colors, and analogous colors. The students will blend colors using crayons to complete color packet. The students will complete analogous drawing. The class will follow along to properly use a ruler to divide their paper into 4 equal rectangles. The students will be given the project requirements and begin sketching.














4th Grade
(Nestor-Day 1, Herring-Day 2, and Moyer-Day 3)



The students will review the project requirements and finish sketching ideas. Those who finish sketching will start on the final copy and use pastels to properly blend the warm and cool colors.




















5th Grade
(Houser-Day 3 and Connors-Day 4)




The students will learn techniques to draw and shade facial features using an informative packet, an instructional video, and a mirror to assist them. Then the students will learn the correct facial proportions and sketch a portrait.









6th Grade
(Ney-Day 1, Leibensperger-Day 2, Hysock-Day 3, and
Kessler-Day 5)






The students will continue on sewing projects.










Running Stitch







Whip Stitch








Blanket Stitch

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