7th Grade Art (1st and 7th periods)
Monday-Intro to the Art Room-Students will review the syllabus which highlights rules and expectations for the class. Students will be shown around the art room and then be given time to answer an art survey and create a portfolio to keep their artwork in.
Tuesday- Students will be introduced to the first unit of study: Artists as Storytellers. Students will be shown various pieces of artwork and discuss their significance and the story behind the artwork.Students will develop ideas about what influences narrative artwork and ways in which artists tell stories through their art. The students will complete a writing prompt that will count as their first sketchbook assignment in which they respond to a piece of artwork and use their imagination to tell the story behind the piece.
Wednesday-The students will be introduce to two artists who use paper cutting to tell stories. Students will be able to compare and contrast the two artists' techniques and methods.
Thursday-The students will be given their second sketchbook assignment in which they will use cut out simple shapes to tell a story in one scene. Students will work for the entire period on their assignment.
Friday-The students will be given time to complete their sketchbook assignments. The students will be given time to share their work and hold a critique to critically look at the work.
Beginning Drawing (3rd, 4th, and 5th periods)
Monday-Intro to the Art Room-Students will review the syllabus which highlights rules and expectations for the class. Students will be shown around the art room and then be given time to answer an art survey and create a portfolio to keep their artwork in.
Tuesday- Students will be instructed to complete three pre-instruction drawings. These will be used to judge the student's drawing ability and used at the end of the course to see a progression in each student's drawings.
Wednesday- The students will complete a series of drawing exercises that will help develop their eye for drawing.
Thursday- Students will be introduced to the first media: Graphite pencils. The students will learn about the various grades of graphite and complete a value sheet.
Friday- The students will be given their first sketchbook assignment and be given time to complete it in class.
Intro to Art (6th Period)
Monday-Intro to the Art Room-Students will review the syllabus which highlights rules and expectations for the class. Students will be shown around the art room and then be given time to answer an art survey and create a portfolio to keep their artwork in.
Tuesday- The students will complete an exercise that will help the students with their critical thinking skills and help the students learn to look at the world in a visual way.
Wednesday- The students will be introduced to looking at an interpreting pieces of art. The students will discuss various artworks.
Thursday- The students will review how to interpret pieces of art and be given their first sketchbook assignment.
Friday- The students will share their sketchbook assignments and discuss how they compare and contrast.