Monday 5/13 (Day 5)-Friday 5/17 (Day 9)
The students will learn how to draw the parts of the face. They will learn about proportion and how to place the facial features in the correct location on the face. They will complete worksheet for practice and then work on final self-portrait.

Paper Sculpture
The students will learn various techniques to manipulate strips of paper and then create a 3D Paper Sculpture utilizing the techniques learned.
1st Grade
Realistic and Abstract Self-PortraitsThe students will learn about self-portraits and view various examples of realistic and abstract self-portraits done by famous artists. The students will begin their realistic portrait after reviewing how to draw the parts of the face by completing packet.

2nd Grade
Medieval Stained Glass
Medieval Stained Glass
The students will learn about Medieval Art and Architecture. The students will learn the process of creating stained glass. The students will complete packet practicing stained glass ideas. Once they have their idea and it is traced with Sharpie, they can begin measuring and gluing black yarn onto their design. After their design has been completed with the black yarn, the students will begin adding watercolors to the sections of their picture. They will review painting procedures and proper care of paint and brushes.

3rd Grade
Radial Symmetry Mandala
Radial Symmetry Mandala
The students will learn about Radial symmetry. They will learn techniques to make a radial design. They will complete packet. They will fold paper to create 8 even triangles and then create one design and trace and repeat 7 times. They will then color in creatively.

Word Art
The students will learn about Word Art and view various examples. They will brainstorm ideas as a class and then complete worksheet. They will choose their best idea for the project.
4th Grade
Silhouette Painting
Silhouette Painting
The students will review the primary and secondary colors, along with warm and cool colors. They will practice blending colors using colored pencils to complete the packet. They will then brainstorm and sketch ideas for the project. Once their idea is drawn out, they can begin painting and blending colors for the background.

5th Grade
Warm and Cool Watercolor Skyline
Warm and Cool Watercolor Skyline
The students will learn various watercolor techniques. They will practice each technique. They will practice and then draw and cut out the silhouette of a famous city skyline. They will apply watercolor techniques to the sky and water. to drawing realistically.
6th Grade
Grid Drawing
Grid Drawing
The students will review the steps to complete a grid drawing. They will finish grid drawing exercises. The students will research a picture and then begin drawing the person on their grid paper. They will gradually erase the grid and begin adding in value. They will choose one part of their drawing to add color to.