Friday 11/30 (Day 1)-Thurs. 12/6 (Day 5)
Mixing Purple-Silly Monster/Grapes
The students will follow detailed instructions to draw, cut, and glue various parts of the two projects in one. The painted purple paper will be used to draw and cut out the shape for their monster and also used to trace and cut circles to make the grapes. Facial features will be drawn, cut out, and glued down to create their monster and the purple circles will be cut and glued onto the background to form a grape bunch.
1st Grade
Geometric and Organic Shapes Collage
Geometric and Organic Shapes Collage
The students will review Geometric and Organic shapes along with the Primary and Secondary Colors. They will finish drawing, cutting, and gluing their Geometric Shapes using Primary Colors only. They will then draw, cut, and glue their Organic shapes using only the Secondary Colors. Both collages will then be mounted on black paper.
2nd Grade
Ancient Greek Vases
Ancient Greek Vases
The students will be introduced to the art and culture of the Ancient Greek people. The students will learn and practice the concepts of symmetry and pattern. They will complete packet. The students will learn how to make their own scratch art by using oil pastels and painting over it with black. They will trace large vase shape and then scratch detailed patterns in the style of Greek art.
3rd Grade
Symmetrical Paint Blot Creature
Symmetrical Paint Blot Creature
The students will discuss symmetry and how to create symmetrical shapes. The students will complete symmetry packet. The students will be introduced to paint blot art. They will learn the technique and create three paint blots. They will then use markers to add details and create a paint blot creature.

4th Grade
Assemblage Sculpture in the style of Louise Nevelson
Assemblage Sculpture in the style of Louise Nevelson
The students will review the project requirements and add final coats of paint as needed.
5th Grade
6th Grade
The students will discuss different types of lettering. They will complete packet which will give them the opportunity to practice a variety of lettering types and styles. They will choose their project idea and begin final copy.