*Art at NSE with Mrs.
Below is my weekly schedule so you can see
which rotation day your child has art class. Each week I will give an overview
of what students will be learning and creating in art class. I will also
include relevant images, information, and links to additional resources. Please
do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!!
1 and 6
2 and 7
3 and 8
4 and 9
5 and 10
1st Cooper
4th Leibig
1st Schuster
2nd Wiscount
4th Herring
2nd Leibensperger
4th Staudenmeier
6th Ney
2nd Corinchock
5th S. Houser
6th Ackell
6th Hysock
6th Grade Art Club
5th Grade Art Club
Kdg. Frushon
5th Wolfe
Kdg. Borden/Jones
3rd Lynch
5th Fey
3rd Selgrade
Kdg. Smith
3rd McCabe
Kdg. Potts
Thurs. 11/16/17-Tues. 11/28/17
(Day 6-10)
Wed. 11/22-Early Dismissal
(Day 6-10)
Wed. 11/22-Early Dismissal
11/23-Mon. 11/27-No School
Fall Tree (Mixing Orange)
Fall Tree (Mixing Orange)
The students will follow along to draw a tree
on the whiteboards. They will then draw their final copy, trace with sharpie,
and then color in.
1st Grade
Food Drawing in the Style of Wayne Thiebaud
The students will review Abstract and
Realistic Art. They will review artwork created by Wayne Thiebaud. They will go
over the steps that will help in drawing realistic artwork. They will pick
their best and create their final copy, which will then be outlined with
Sharpie and colored in realistically.

2nd Grade
Collar (Symmetry)
The students will view examples of Egyptian
Collars. They will decorate their collars with a variety of materials. They
will discuss symmetry and how they can apply it to their projects. When the collars are complete the students
will discuss Symmetry in further detail, along with pattern. They will begin
3rd Grade
Shaded Forms
The students will review value and how to
shade. They will learn how to apply value to forms. They will complete
worksheet and then practice drawing a variety of forms. They will practice
shading forms. They will begin final copy of project.
4th Grade
The Elements of Art
The students will be introduced to the
Elements of Art and how they are used to create successful artwork. The
students will learn about each element, practice on the whiteboards and then
complete pages from the packet.
5th Grade
Reduction Printmaking
The students will review the steps to create a print. They will finish their sketch, trace and transfer onto foam and then begin printing. Once they have printed multiple copies, they will then trace the details of their drawing onto the same piece of foam. They will then print again.
6th Grade
The students add final details and then trace
with Sharpie and then color in.