*Art at NSE with Mrs. Zink*

Below is my weekly schedule so you can see which rotation day your child has art class. Each week I will give an overview of what students will be learning and creating in art class. I will also include relevant images, information, and links to additional resources. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!!

-Mrs. Zink

Day 1 and 6

Day 2 and 7

Day 3 and 8

Day 4 and 9

Day 5 and 10

1st Cooper

4th McCabe

1st Schuster

2nd Wiscount


4th Herring

2nd Leibensperger

4th Staudenmeier

6th Ney

2nd Moyer

5th S. Houser

6th Ackell

6th Hysock

6th Grade Art Club

5th Grade Art Club

Kdg. Frushon

5th Wolfe

Kdg. Borden/Jones

3rd Lynch

5th Fey

3rd Selgrade

Kdg. Swartz

3rd McCabe

Kdg. Potts

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/5/17-The Remainder of the School Year
(3 classes left)


The class will follow along to finish drawing their self-portraits. They will include individual details. They will outline and then color in.

If any time remains the students will discuss texture and use a variety of textures to create a spring picture.

1st Grade
Emotional Emoji Story:
The students will review the steps to create their cover art. They will draw, outline, and color their cover.

If time remains the students will discuss using basic shapes to draw anything. They will break complicated pictures into simple shapes and follow along to draw a variety of things.

2nd Grade

Medieval Stained Glass:
 The students will review the steps to create their stained glass project. They will finish tracing their design and then paint on tissue paper. They will then add the black border using construction paper.

If any time remains, the students will finish their Pointillism worksheet.

3rd Grade

Geometric and Organic Shapes/ Notan:

The students will review Geometric and Organic Shapes. The students will complete worksheet. The students will be given demonstrations and view examples of various Notan projects. They will create two Notan designs and hand in their best one.  

If time remains, they will create wordart, in which they choose a word and use only things associated with that word to make up the word (example: The word food drawn out of all different types of food)

4th Grade
Warm and Cool Pastel Landscapes:
The students will decide on their landscape choice and brainstorm and sketch their idea(s). The students will transfer their design to the paper and begin adding and blending pastels.

If time remains, the students will learn about Pop Art. They will complete worksheet and complete brightly-colored Pop Art project.

5th Grade
Watercolor Skyline:
The students will review the watercolor techniques. They will finish their watercolor experimentation. They will then sketch their skyline idea onto folded construction paper. They will then complete warm and cool painting using a variety of techniques.

6th Grade

Grid Portrait:
The students will finish grid practice drawings. They will then find and print a picture of a person and create a grid to enlarge the picture. The student will follow along box by box to re-create the picture. They will then add value by shading and then include color in one part of the picture.  

Below is my schedule, so you can find out what rotation days your child has art.

Day 1 and 6
Day 2 and 7
Day 3 and 8
Day 4 and 9
1st -Kempsey
Day 5 and 10

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